TLC is the only Jewish nursery in NW London which is open all year round and all day providing both Jewish and chol education in a fun environment.

We provide the highest standard of nursery care and excellent service in a loving and fun environment  in our 5 rooms at Ner Yisrael Synagogue, Hendon.

We started the nursery primarily to cater for children whose working parents required longer hours of care for their children with longer days and fewer holidays, however, we are here for everyone.

Kodesh and Jewish education

We teach and involve every child – from our youngest babies to our oldest Pre-schoolers – a full curriculum of Kodesh content. From the earliest of ages our children learn about every aspect of Jewish life including:

  • Parsha of the week
  • Yom Tov/Chaggim and special days
  • Berachos and benshing
  • Shabbos party on Fridays
  • Aleph-Beis writing and reading
  • We often link our Kodesh together with the EYFS curriculum

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

As an Ofsted registered nursery, we run our nursery in line with the early years foundation stage (EYFS) for the learning, development and care of your child from birth to 5 years old.

The areas of learning mean that our children will mostly be taught through games and play. Those areas of learning are:

  • communication and language
  • physical development
  • personal, social and emotional development
  • literacy
  • mathematics
  • understanding the world
  • expressive arts and design

Because of the assessments we undertake under the EYFS, our children’s progress will be reviewed both regularly and naturally by our experienced staff when they’re between 2 and 3

We play a primary role in recognising and understanding each child’s development and we will liaise with the parents in a loving and caring way throughout their stay

Meals and Snacks

Parents are able to give their children both meaty and dairy meals and because we have both meaty and dairy microwaves, hot meals can also be provided. At meal times the children sit at separate meaty and dairy tables.

All foods must have a hechsher or be on the KLBD approved list.

We do not provide meals as we have found that parents prefer to be able to control their children’s diets in their crucial early years. In particular where parents are not with their children at meal times, we report back – and return all uneaten foods – so that parents can assess what foods their children like and do not like and what quantity of food their children eat.

We operate a healthy eating policy at the nursery and as part of the NHS’ Eat Well Food Profile, we aim to ensure that all the nutrients needed are provided and follow the UK Government’s guidelines for packed lunches.

Breakfast can be taken for children arriving before 9.00am and we provide milk daily for either drinking or for cereals.

There are 2 snack-times each day; mid-morning and mid-afternoon

Open All Year

We do not close for the usual school holidays (half terms, summer terms etc) and will only close for Chaggim, throughout Pesach and Xmas week (as well as Bank holidays and 2 Inset training days per year). On average we are open for about 48 weeks of the year. Typically our nursery opening hours are 2-3 times longer per year than other many other daycare nurseries

Opening hours and daylengths

Our nursery opens at 08:15 every day and we offer a start time of either 08:15, 08:30 or 09:00 with pick up times, on the half hour between 15:30 and 18:00 Monday to Thursday (and on Fridays 16:00 or 3 hours before the start of Shabbos). 

Age groups and Rooms

TLC has 5 rooms for children aged between 8 months and 3+ years old (ages at the beginning of each September of the new school year)

  • Pre-School
  • Nursery
  • Pre-Nursery
  • Toddler
  • Baby

Parents can choose to book their children Monday-Thursday and add Fridays  any times between 08:15 and 18:00 subject to a minimum 7 hours per day.

It is not necessary to book the same daylength on each day

We do not offer ‘half days’

Application Forms and Updates

What other Parents say

Vered Prager

Leaving my 2 week old baby to return to university was a nerve-racking and terrifying decision. However, from the moment I dropped her off at TLC nursery I immediately felt calm and reassured I had made the right choice. Tracy and her team genuinely cared and loved my daughter and gave her enormous amounts of attention showing confidence and understanding. As a family we had the most positive and wonderful experience any parent could ever wish for. I could not recommend them highly enough to do justice to the wonderful service they provide

Nikki Cohen

Tracy and her staff have literally made such a huge and wonderful difference to my life!! After only a few sessions in their care my little boy of 10 mths – who had been extremely clinging and had an eversion to any day sleep routine – was settled, sleeping for several hours in the morning and delighted to wave goodbye to mummy! Miraculous! He has absolutely thrived at TLC – socially and developmentally. Tracy and her wonderful staff provide a calm, warm, loving and nurturing place to be – a home from home experience that offers their charges the chance to be with other children and have fun with toys, drawing, bubbles and garden play. My little boy now runs to get his bag and coat at the mention of it being a TLC day and now toddles into her house without even saying goodbye! I can’t recommend it enough and am so grateful to got a space there!

Natasha Toledano

It was always going to be a difficult decision as to where to send my child for childcare. However, I was drawn to TLC because of its warm, caring, family-like environment. I always know my daughter will be beautifully looked after and happy there.

Lauren Levy

Going back to work when my daughter was 7 months old was made so much easier by our wonderful experience with TLC child care. When my husband and I went to visit we immediately felt the warm and homely Jewish environment which was so unique, coupled with an organised and professional service provided by Tracy and her staff. After her first week at TLC our daughter had already learnt to wave and her development continued in leaps and bounds as a result of her experiences there. Overall, our daughter loved arriving at TLC every morning and had a fantastic time, truly thriving under the care of Tracy and her staff. We also found Tracy a pleasure to deal with and really appreciated how she responded to each child and their individual needs, regardless of their age!

Rita Levy

I highly recommend TLC . I felt completely at ease whilst my daughter, a baby at the time, was there. TLC provided a caring, friendly and educational environment for my daughter. I couldn’t have asked for anything more! Also TLC provided a great deal of flexibility in terms of requests by me for more childcare..

Ali Field

My older son was fairly difficult to settle but with the warmth and love that TLC gave him and the reassurance they gave me, he was fine and had a fantastic time there. He learnt his colours and some songs there and made some great friends. I would highly recommend this day care if you want your child to receive much love and attention 🙂

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Ner Yisrael Community Centre, Jakobovits Centre , The Crest, Hendon, London NW4 2HY

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